In what has become the ‘new normal’ for the 2.24 million Palestinian civilians living in Gaza, the Israeli bombardment continued for the 270th straight day, killing civilians in tents, apartments and hospitals as they crouched in terror through the night, waiting for the next Israeli bomb to fall.

A number of civilians were killed and others were injured before dawn on Tuesday, day 270 of the Israeli assault on Gaza, as rocket and artillery shelling and gunfire launched by the Israeli occupation forces hit civilian areas in  several areas in the Gaza Strip.

The Al-Quds news agency reported casualties among children following an Israeli artillery shelling targeting the Al-Sham’a Mosque area in the Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City, early Tuesday morning.

A correspondent with the Palestinian Wafa news agency reported that 8 civilians were killed and more than 30 others were injured as a result of Israeli missile and artillery shelling that targeted different areas of the cities of Khan Yunis and Rafah.

The reporter added that a child was killed in an Israeli warplane bombing of a house in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, and a number of civilians were injured in a raid that targeted a house belonging to the Abu Jalala family in the Abu Mahadi land northwest of the Nuseirat camp .

In addition, a number of civilians were injured as a result of air strikes launched by the Israeli occupation aircraft targeting citizens’ homes in the Al-Fakhari area, Qizan Rashwan, Al-Manara neighborhoods in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

Wafa pointed out that citizens were able to extinguish a fire that broke out in a residential apartment in the Zaharna building on Al-Jalaa Street in Gaza City, after it was targeted by Israeli shelling. The occupation artillery also targeted the eastern areas of the Shuja’iyya and Al-Zeitoun neighborhoods in Gaza City, and the eastern areas of Rafah City.

The Israeli occupation army surrounded citizens’ homes in different streets of the Shuja’iyya neighborhood, in the east of Gaza City, which it has been invading for the sixth consecutive day, amid missile and artillery shelling and gunfire, while Israeli missile shelling targeted the vicinity of the electricity company, the vicinity of the Wadi Gaza Bridge, the Al-Maghraqa area, and the Al-Nuseirat camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip.

In the same context, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Yunis is crowded with large numbers of injured people after the occupation notified citizens to evacuate the eastern areas of the city.

Hundred of people are attempting to move, as ordered by Israeli forces, some of whom have had to move ten or more times during the course of the last 270 days of Israeli invasion.

Israeli forces have ordered the evacuation of the European Hospital in Khan Yunis:

The decision by some doctors to stay at the European Hospital and refuse to abandon their patients comes just after the head of the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza was released from Israeli custody after having been held and tortured in horrific conditions for over a month, for the ‘crime’ of refusing to abandon his patients when the Israeli military invaded and ransacked that hospital.

Despite Israeli claims that’ Hamas operated from hospitals’, zero credible evidence has been presented to back that claim, but Israeli forces have ransacked and destroyed at least seven hospitals, and killed hundreds of patients and doctors during their invasions.

Although a few Palestinians were released from Israeli detention camps today, thousands more remain under extremely harsh conditions, starvation and torture.

The Israeli occupation forces have continued their aggression on the Gaza Strip, by land, sea and air, since October 7, 2023, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 37,900 citizens, the majority of whom are women and children, and the injury of more than 87,060 others, in an incomplete toll, as thousands of victims are still under the rubble