The health condition of a Palestinian detainee held in Israeli jails, Hassan Al Tamimi, aged 16, has seriously deteriorated on Sunday, due to medical negligence.


The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) said, in a statement, that the health condition of Al Tamimi is extremely bad, adding that Israeli occupation authorities are rejecting to hospitalize him, under the pretext of financial aspects.


PPS added that this move aims at blackmailing the family of the child and puts him at risk of losing life.


PPS holds Israeli authorities fully responsible for the life of the detainee, calling upon international and lawful institutions to share in the responsibility and to pressure the occupation to provide Al Tamimi with the required medication and immediate treatment, in order to save his life.


It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army detained Al Tamimi two months ago, violently interrogating him and barring him from the required medication to maintain his health condition.