A Palestinian from Amari refugee camp, near Ramallah, and who was detained by the Israeli army on June 6, said he was tortured during interrogation at the Russian Compound prison in West Jerusalem, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) said on Thursday.

According to the organization, the army first detained Islam Abu Hmeid, 32, during a raid at Amari camp on May 28, two days after  an Israeli soldier from an elite unit was killed by a tile that dropped on his head from  a roof, during an army operation at the camp, then released him.

The army re-detained Abu Hmeid on June 6, during another raid on the camp, and accused him of throwing the object that killed the soldier.

PPS attorney Mamoun Hasheem said, according to WAFA, that Abu Hmeid informed him that he was tortured during interrogation at the Russian Compound.

Abu Hmeid said, in an affidavit, that eight interrogators questioned him constantly for six consecutive days, during which he was deprived of full sleep and while cuffed both hand and foot.

The interrogator also used the shaking method against him, as well as profanity and other threats.

Hasheem said that a military court remanded Abu Hmeid in custody for eight more days, for further interrogation.

Four of Abu Hmeid’s siblings are serving multiple life terms in Israeli prisons for resisting the occupation, a fifth is being held in administrative detention, and a sixth brother was killed by the army, years ago.

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