The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has reported that Ahmad Zahran, 42, imprisoned by Israeli under repeatedly renewed arbitrary Administrative Detention orders without charges or trial, is ongoing with the hunger strike for the 80th consecutive day, despite his seriously deteriorating health condition.

The PPS stated that the Israeli Prison Authority is rejecting his demands, and that a court hearing is scheduled to take place on December 19th, to discuss an appeal filed by his lawyer, demanding the revocation of the new four-month Administrative Detention order against him.

Zahran, a married father of four, is currently at Kaplan Israeli medical center, and is facing serious health complications, but determined to continue his strike.

The PPS also said that the detainee remains denied visits with his family, and even his lawyers are facing numerous obstacles whenever they demand sitting with him.

He was repeatedly transferred to various prisons and was placed in solitary confinement, in cells that are not fit for human habitation.

Zahran, from Deir Abu Mashal town, near Ramallah, is also a former political prisoner who spent 15 years in Israeli prisons and detention centers.

Since the beginning of this year, dozens of detainees held hunger strikes for various periods demanding an end of their arbitrary detention; there are around 450 Palestinians held by Israel under the same orders.