The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has reported that dozens of its political prisoners, imprisoned by Israel in three detention facilities, have decided to hold a hunger strike for three days as in an initial measure in solidarity with detainee Hotheifa Halabiyya, who continues a hunger strike he started more than 52 days ago.

The PFLP stated that Hotheifa, who is one of its political leaders, is among many hunger striking detainees, held under arbitrary Administrative Detention orders, without charges or trial.

It added that dozens of Its detained members in the Ramon, Ofar, Nafha and the Negev Detention Camp, will hold a hunger strike for three days starting Thursday.

The detainees are Ahmad Karaja, Ahmad Abu Sheikha, Mahmoud Abu Esba’, Ahmad al-Masri, Maji Qawareeq, Ashraf as-Sajdi and Khaled Yousef, in the Damon Prison, Khaled Taha, Mohammad Safi, Tareq Karaja, Ahmad Kittani, Mohammad Farrahin, Baha al-Khawaja, Maher al-Amarin, Hafeth Omar, Bassem Mizhir, Ramez Rayyan, Mohammad Khmour, Mohammad Fares, Mohammad Ghatrashi and Yousef Zaghari, in Ofar prison, in addition to Mohammad Khalaf, Mohammad Saleh, Odai at-Teety, Ahmad Khatib, Mohammad Hawarin and Hussein Taha, in Nafha prison, Fadi Abu al-Huda, Yousef Yousef, Tareq Mahran, Taleb Abu Kheit, Hamdi al-Badawi, Mahmoud al-Hajj Mohammad, Ibrahim Salem, Khader Madi, Mohammad Ladadwa, Ali Darwish, Haitham Siyaj, Majd Allama, Monther Hajajra, Mohammad Khatatba and Hamza Za’oul, in the Negev Detention camp.

It is worth mentioning that most of the detainees will be holding the hunger strikes for the second time in solidarity with other detained comrades.

The PFLP started that the “battle of empty bowels and strong wills is ongoing until the detainees achieve their rights in the struggle against the illegal Administrative Detention policy, holding them captive without charges or trial.”

It called on the Palestinian people to organize massive solidarity activities to support the detainees, facing ongoing and escalating Israeli violations.