Dozens of Palestinian farmers and landowners demonstrated, on Saturday, near the Israeli segregation barrier, to the west of Jenin, northern West Bank, in protest against the strict restrictions applied by Israeli military government against them, for the upcoming olive harvest season.

Landowners and farmers from the villages of Araqa, Nazlat Zaid, Toura and Tarem, who are badly affected from Israel’s barrier, demonstrated near the fence that separates them from their lands, to call on Israeli occupation authorities to lift the restrictions on their entry to lands on the other side of the fence Israel had built to separate the area settlements from the Palestinian villages, and to also keep the villages away from their agricultural land, especially as the olive harvest season approaches.

For over one year, WAFA reports, Israel has restricted the entry of Palestinian farmers to their lands on the other side of the fence. In addition, strict conditions were applied to the entry of agricultural equipment and tractors to that land.

(archive photo image: International Solidarity Movement)