An Israeli court issued, Thursday, a six-month administrative detention order against the secretary of Fateh Movement in Jericho and the Jordan Valley, the Detainees’ Affairs Committee has reported.

The committee stated that the Israeli army abducted Na’el Abu al-‘Assal three days ago, after storming the house of his father, Jihad Abu al-‘Assal, the governor of Jericho and The Jordan Valley, in Aqabat Jaber refugee camp.

It condemned the ongoing abductions and imprisonment of the Palestinian people, and the frequent issuance of the arbitrary administrative detention orders against hundreds of them, holding them captive without charges or trial.

It is worth mentioning that Fateh secretary in the northern area of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, Hani Ja’ara, remains imprisoned by Israel without charges since he was abducted from his home, in Yatta town, earlier in January.

The Ad-Dameer Prisoner Society and Human Rights Association has reported that Israel is currently holding captive 461 detainees under Administrative Detention orders. Most of them are in Ofar prison and the Negev Detention camp.

More than 5000 Palestinians remain imprisoned by Israel, among them 180 children, including 26 under the age of 16, and 41 women.

26 of the detainees have been imprisoned since before the first Oslo Agreement, 497 are serving prison terms of at least 20 years, and 541 serving live terms.