Palestinians, on Monday, held a general strike in areas all over the West Bank and the occupied 1948 lands, to protest against the racist Jewish national law adopted by the Israeli Knesset with the support of Israel’s extreme right.

Palestinian factions in the West Bank and Jerusalem expressed their support for the strike and announced it, in the West Bank and Jerusalem, to emphasize the unity of the Palestinian people. The strike has affected all life facilities, including schools and universities, transportation and commercial shops.

The national and Islamic communities in Palestine also declared their support for the call of the Arab Joint List to support the Palestinian people, who face the implications of such a mandate in Israel.

For his part, member of the Revolutionary Council of the Fateh movement, Abdul- Elah Al-Atiri, said that the step to declare a strike in the Palestinian territories, both occupied in 1948 and 1967, is only necessary lighting for the crimes of the occupation, and to inflict the greatest harm on the Palestinian people, wherever they are.

Al-Atiri said, in a press statement sent to PNN, that the mere adoption of this colonial racist law, based on the nationality of the Jewish state of occupation, is yet another manifestation of this ugly face, which seeks, through the enactment of such laws, to completely expel the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine.

He called for Palestinian protest against the legislation, which grants the right to Jews only, to live in their alleged state, through the escalation of resistance and the struggle against the occupation.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli Knesset passed the nationality law in July 2018, which tries to throw the Palestinian people out of geography, outside of history, outside of the future and outside of their human rights.