The Israeli occupation authorities uprooted, Wednesday, a plan for the illegal annexation of 1008 Dunams of Palestinian lands near Qalqilia, in northern West Bank.

Salfit governor, Abdullah Kamil, has reported that the lands are owned by Palestinians from Azzoun, Kufur Thuluth, and Nabi Elias, east of Qalqilia.

Rawajba added that the approval is part of a plan that was approved by Israel on December 22 2020, aiming at building 1046 units for the illegal colonists on Palestinian lands.

He said the plan aims at the illegal annexation of Palestinian lands in Wadi Asala, Thaher al-Manaf, Qatayin as-Sahel and al-Manafes.

Also Wednesday, Israeli soldiers cut and uprooted more than 3400 Palestinian olive trees and saplings, owned by Palestinian villagers of Deir Ballout, west of Salfit, in central West Bank.