Israeli TV Channel, Kan, reported on Sunday that Israeli authorities in the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem, may impose a total lockdown on some Palestinian-populated neighborhoods and some other religious Jewish communities in East Jerusalem, itself.

The report by Kan TV suggested that five areas, including the two Palestinian neighborhoods of Beit Hanina and Safafa, as well as the Jewish communities of Har Nouf, Meaat Sha’reem and Geoula, could face a total lockdown soon.

Kan TV said that such a plan, once implemented, is based on instructions by Israeli health ministry, within the ministry’s efforts to curb the widely-spread Coronavirus in both Israeli and Palestinian areas.

A decision to impose closure on those communities, according to Kan, could be taken in the next few days, as a plan has been already worked out by three main bodies; the Prime Minister’s office, the Health Ministry and the Police Department of Jerusalem.

Such a report comes as Israeli occupation authorities’ crackdown on Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, has been increasingly reported.

The crackdown has involved the abduction of Palestinian dignitaries and residents, who have been reportedly helping enforce precautionary measures inside Arab-Palestinian neighborhoods, in the fight against the Coronavirus.

Image: Palestine News Network