Israeli soldiers injured, Thursday, three Palestinian children, and caused dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation, in the al-’Aroub refugee camp, and in Hebron city, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

Local sources said the soldiers invaded the refugee camp, leading to protests, before firing many rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

They added that two children were shot with rubber-coated steel bullets before the medics rushed them to a hospital.

Dozens of residents suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation and received the needed treatment by the medics without the need for hospitalization.

It is worth mentioning that the soldiers are constantly deployed at the main entrance of the refugee camp, causing ongoing tension, especially since they frequently stop and interrogate the residents, in addition to searching cars.

Furthermore, the soldiers assaulted and injured a Palestinian child, identified as Mohannad Ammad Misk, in the az-Zahed area, in Hebron city, and tried to abduct him.

Local sources said the child’s mother, and two Palestinians who were walking in the area, were also assaulted by the soldiers while trying to prevent them from abducting him.