The Israeli Foreign Ministry has summoned the ambassadors of three European countries over their support to the international investigation of the UN Human Rights Council, into the Gaza massacre, on May 15.

The Ministry said, in a statement, that it summoned the ambassadors of Spain and Slovenia, and is to summon the ambassador of Belgium, over the last session of the UN council. The three countries voted in favor of carrying out an international investigation into the human rights status in east Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza.

31 out of 47 countries voted in favor of carrying out an investigation, including Spain, Slovenia, and Belgium; the other countries abstained, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency.

About 62 Palestinians were killed during the symbolic marches along Gaza border, on Monday, 14 May, while protesting the US embassy move to occupied Jerusalem. The Palestinian Ministry of Health explained that Israeli  forces used explosive live bullets against peaceful protesters, causing critical injuries among them.

(photo: Days of Palestine)

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