Israeli forces, on Friday, seized five tractors belonging to Palestinian farmers in Um al-Qaba area, in the Jordan Valley, northern occupied West Bank, the Palestinian News and Info Agency (WAFA) reported.

The head of the village council of nearby al-Maleh village, Mahdi Daraghmeh, said that the Israeli army seized the five agricultural tractors under the pretext of working in a “closed military zone.”

The area is located in Area C of the West Bank, which is under full Israeli military control and where the Palestinian government has no jurisdiction.
Israel seeks to displace the Palestinian population out of the Jordan Valley by any means, to allow greater numbers of illegal settlers to move in.

Image: Alray
Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam
Related: Israeli Forces Uproot Trees, Confiscate Tents, Declare Area ‘Closed Military Zone’