On Sunday evening, illegal Israeli colonizers attacked two Palestinian children and burnt a car in Qusra village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, before Israel soldiers invaded the village and injured eighteen Palestinians.

Eyewitnesses said at least twenty colonizers attempted to abduct the child, Ehab Ahmad Hilal, after macing him with pepper spray, striking him with iron bars on several parts of his body, and hitting him with a pistol.

The colonizers also attacked another child with Hilal, causing several injuries, before Israeli soldiers invaded the village and fired rubber-coated steel bullets and gas bombs at the residents, wounding eighteen Palestinians.

The soldiers did not detain any of the illegal colonizers but instead abducted Hilal but released him a few hours later before he was rushed to a Palestinian hospital in Nablus.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry issued a statement denouncing the attack and said it is part of constant serious violations and crimes against the Palestinian people.

It added that the colonizers are committing their crimes in front of soldiers, especially in areas where Israel wants to build and expand its illegal colonies, and said they are encouraged by the complicity of their colonialist government.