Palestinian medical sources have reported, Wednesday, the two siblings were injured after Israeli colonizers assaulted them in Husan town, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Ahmad Salah, the coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Colonies, said the assailants came from Sidi Boaz colony, illegally built on Palestinian lands in Ein al-Qassis area of al-Khader.

He added that the colonizers assaulted Mahmoud Ahmad Sabateen, 52, and his brother Ibrahim, 48, while working on their lands.

The two siblings suffered various cuts and bruises and received the needed medical treatment.

Salah stated that the siblings were assaulted when the colonizers tried to remove them from their own lands and demanded them to talk to the security coordinator of the illegal colony.

“This type of assault is not new as it happened before with many other Palestinians,” Salah said, “The colonizers want to remove the Palestinians from their lands to occupy them and expand their outpost.”

On Thursday at night, Israeli soldiers invaded al-Khader, and fired many live rounds and concussion grenades, before withdrawing.

The soldiers also invaded Bethlehem and Beit Jala cities, and withdrew a short time later.