On Monday, illegal Israeli colonizers attacked a Palestinian family while picking olive trees in its orchard in the Khallet Hassan area in Biddya village, west of the central West Bank city of Salfit, wounding two Palestinians, including a child.

The WAFA Palestinian News Agency said the colonizers assaulted the family the Raed Abu Saif, 50, wounding him and his son, Arafat, 17, before Palestinian medics transferred the father and his son to a hospital in Salfit.

The colonizers also fired several rounds of live ammunition while trying to force the family out of its orchard.

Khallet Hassan, only 4000 Dunams, is subject to constant Israeli violations, especially since Israel is trying to build a new illegal colony to link it with five existing colonies and several colonialist outposts between the governorate of Salfit and Qalqilia.