Uprooted olive tree (archive image)

A number of Israeli colonizers invaded, on Monday morning, a Palestinian olive orchard in the al-Hamra area, east of Yatta town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and cut at least fifteen trees.

The coordinator of the National and Popular Committees in southern Hebron, Rateb Jabour, told the Palestinian News and Info Agency (WAFA) that the Israeli assailants cut more than fifteen trees, owned by members of Rib’ey family.

Jabour added that the colonizer came from Ma’on and Havat Ma’on colonies, which were illegally built on private Palestinian lands.

He also stated that the attack is part of numerous similar violations over the last several years, and added that the colonists are trying to occupy the lands to build and expand their illegal colonies, and outposts.

Jabour called on national, legal, regional and international organizations and human rights groups, to intervene and help in ending the seriously escalating Israeli violations.