On Monday, Israeli forces abducted nine Palestinians, including former prisoners and a child in various areas of the southern West Bank governorate of Bethlehem.

Media sources said that occupation forces abducted Murad Musa Ahmad Al-Khamour, 27, Moataz Mohammad Mustafa Sharia, 32, and the child, Ayser Majdi Mohammad Al-Zaghari, 17, from Al-Dheisheh refugee camp, southwest of Bethlehem.

Palestine TV reported that the army closed all entrances to the Dheisheh camp before invading with the support of a military bulldozer.

The Arab 48 news website reported that occupation forces invaded the camp, stormed several homes, and interrogated their residents, while local Palestinians protested the incursion.

Sources added that the army fired live ammunition and tear gas at citizens, resulting in several inhalation injuries.

Meanwhile, in the town of Doha, west of the city, soldiers abducted Mohammad Nadi Abu Aker, 43, Bassam Khalil Fararjah, 58,Wael Mohammad Fararjah, 54, and Moaz Naim Mohammad Al-Masri, 30.

Furthermore, before dawn Monday, Israeli soldiers abducted two former prisoners after detaining them for a hours, east of Bethlehem.

Media sources said that soldiers abducted the young men, Mahmoud Ibrahim Al-Khatib Thawabteh and Moatasem Mohammad Murshid Taqatqa, both citizens of Beit Fajjar.