On Thursday, dozens of women were attacked by the Israeli military after they gathered outside the Ofer military camp near Ramallah to protest the detention of 17-year old Ahed Tamimi, who was abducted by the Israeli military last week and held in detention since then.

According to local sources, the Israeli military attacked the protest with tear gas and stun grenades. One 45-year old woman was detained, and 3 were taken to the hospital due to the effects of tear gas inhalation. Others who suffered from the tear gas were treated at the scene.

The protest came in advance of a scheduled court appearance on Friday, after the Israeli military court decided Monday to remand the world-renowned teen journalist for four more days, after refusing to release her on bail, and accusing her of “threatening Israel’s security.”

The Wafa news agency reported, “Naji Tamimi, head of Nabi Saleh village council whose daughter Nour, 20, is also in prison on similar charges as Ahed, said the protest was called for by women activists to express their support of Nour, Ahed, and her mother, Nariman, who is also in detention.”

Tamimi is known worldwide due to the multiple videos of her standing up to Israeli soldiers invading her village, beginning when she was just ten years old.

In the video taken a few days before her capture, she was filmed standing outside the family’s home in their village of Nabi Saleh along with her mother and female cousin Noor, 20. The two girls and elder woman are shown telling the soldiers to leave their home, leave their land. They then push the soldiers away with their bare hands.

Her father, Bassam Tamimi, stated that the Israeli court denied appeals filed for her release, and decided to remand her for an additional period, while the Israeli prosecution is trying to ramp up illegal charges against her.

“The Israeli occupation claims that it has a legal system, but such a system does not exist as these courts are run by the military which illegally occupies our land, and serves this colonialist regime and illegal occupation of our land,” he said.

It is worth mentioning that, when the soldiers abducted ‘Ahed, she was trying to stop them from occupying her home’s rooftop, to use it as a firing post against and a monitoring tower, in her town, known for ongoing nonviolent resistance against the illegal Israeli Annexation Wall and colonies.