Israeli forces violently attacked Palestinian protesters, on Friday, in al-Khalil (Hebron) in the southern West Bank, and Qalqilia in the northern West Bank.

Days of Palestine quoted local sources that said a number of Palestinians were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas canisters, including a journalist, during protests in Surif town in Hebron.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that journalist Moath Amarneh was shot with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the eye. He was transferred to a local hospital for treatment but doctors could not save his eye.

Dozens of Palestinian citizens marched in Surif to protest land seizure by the Israeli authorities in favor of settlement construction.

Meanwhile, confrontations flared up in Kufur Qaddoum in Qalqilia, after Israeli forces violently quelled the weekly demonstration in the town.

Local activist Mourad Eshtewi said that the IOF showered the peaceful demonstrators with tear gas canisters, stun grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets, while dozens choked on tear gas and were treated in the field.

Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam