Kafr Qaddoum protest (archival image from PNN)

Palestinian media reports said that Palestinian residents in the central West Bank town of Kufur Qaddoum suffocated on tear-gas, fired by Israeli troops on Friday.

Spokesperson for the Popular Committee for the Resistance of Israel’s Apartheid Wall in the Qalqilia city of the West Bank, Morad Eshteiwi, told media outlets that Israeli soldiers, backed by armored vehicles, stormed the town of Kufur Qaddoum and began shooting randomly on locals, using live ammunition, rubber-coated steel bullets and tear-gas canisters.

Eshteiwi said that such an Israeli incursion is unprecedented over the past several months, with local residents staging weekly protests against the segregation wall, erected by Israel around the town of Kufur Qaddoum.

He added that the Israeli shooting hit residential homes, local shops and other objects in the town.

“The Israeli shooting this time was intensified and led to the inhalation injury of at least ten Palestinians exposed to Israeli tear-gas, during the weekly protest”, Eshteiwi further explained.

The local Palestinian activist also noted that earlier on Thursday night, Israeli soldiers were reportedly patrolling the streets of Kufur Qaddoum and that tens of them hid inside some abandoned local homes.

Kufur Qaddoum town, a part of the West Bank district of Qalqilia, has seen weekly protests over the past several years, within Palestinians’ resistance to Israeli occupation measures, practices and the Apartheid Wall, which Israel erected many years ago, around several West Bank cities, towns and villages, including Kufur Qaddoum itself.

Several years ago, Palestinian protesters in the town of Bil’in, West of Ramallah, by means of peaceful and non-violent weekly protests, were able to pressure the Israeli government to knock down a considerable part of a similar segregation wall.

Image: Palestine News Network