Israeli forces stationed inside military watchtowers, east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire and wounded 5 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, when the soldiers targeted dozens of civilians, who were about 200 meters away from the border fence, without posing any threat to the Israeli forces. This indicates that Israeli forces continue to use excessive force against Palestinian civilians.

According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR’s) investigations, at approximately 16:30 on Friday, 27 October 2017, Israeli forces stationed in the watchtowers, east of al-Shuhadaa’ Cemetery, east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, fired live and rubber-coated metal bullet and tear gas canisters at dozens of civilians, who were near the border fence and threw stones at the Israeli soldiers in protest against the Israeli closure imposed on the Gaza Strip.

Clashes continued until approximately 18:30 on the same day. As a result, 5 civilians, including 3 children, were directly hit with tear gas canisters. The wounded civilians were identified as:

  1. Sa’eb Fathi al-Masri (17), from Jabalia refugee camp, was hit with a tear gas canister to the chest;
  2. Dia’a Ahmed al-Natour (21), from Jabalia refugee camp, was hit with a tear gas canister to the abdomen;
  3. Qusai Hamed Hassan (19), from Jabalia refugee camp, was hit with a tear gas canister to the left shoulder;
  4. Yasser Zeyad Abu Ramadan (16), from Sheikh Redwan neighborhood in Gaza  city, was hit with a tear gas canister to the right thigh; and
  5. Anas Mazen Daher (15), from al-Shija’iyah neighborhood in Gaza city, was hit with 2 tear gas canisters to the face and left hand.

All the wounded civilians were transferred to the Indonesian Hospital in Jabalia to receive medical treatment, and doctors classified their wounds as minor. Moreover, the Medical crews in the area offered first aid to a number of civilians who suffered tear gas inhalation.

Sa’eb Fathi al-Masri (17) said to PCHR’s fieldworker that;

“At approximately 13:30 on Friday, 27 October 2017, my friends and I went to the border area near al-Shuhada’a Cemetery where there was a number of young men throwing stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the military watchtowers. At approximately 16:30, a soldier fired live and rubber-coated metal bullets at the young men in addition to firing tear gas canisters at me as I was about 200 meters away from them. As a result, I was hit with a tear gas canister to the chest and then taken to the Indonesian Hospital to receive medical treatment. Following the Medical checkup, it was found out that there were bruises in my chest.”

 PCHR is seriously concerned over the continued Israeli violations against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and;

  • Calls upon the international community to take immediate action to stop the Israeli crimes against Palestinian civilians; and
  • Calls for ensuring that civilians freely and safely access their houses, lands, and property in addition to protecting their right to life, safety, personal safety, and work.

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