Israeli media, on Saturday, assured that newly elected Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro  has assured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he will not back down from his promise to move the embassy to the occupied city of Jerusalem.

According to the Israeli 14 channel, Brazil is under pressure from Arab countries not to move its embassy to Jerusalem, saying it will complicate the political situation and not improve it.

In a related context, Israeli public radio quoted an Israeli political source as saying that the topic of the  Brazilian embassy  move was raised yesterday, during the meeting between Netanyahu and the Brazilian president in Rio de Janeiro, saying it is “only a matter of time”.

Netanyahu said, during an evening in the Jewish synagogue in Rio de Janeiro, yesterday, that Israel will host the Brazilian president in the near future in Jerusalem.

Netanyahu is expected to attend Bolsonaro’s inauguration, with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a number of Latin American leaders.