The Israeli military court of Salem, near Jenin city in the West Bank, ordered on Monday, the extension of the detention of Palestinian teenager, Qasem Abu Baker, 17, from the Palestinian village of Y’abad, south of Jenin city.

The mother of Qasem, told media outlets that Monday’s extension is the 6th to be imposed on the teen in the past 12 months, adding that her son was abducted in April of 2019 and placed under Administrative Detention at the Jalama Israeli prison, with no charges filed against him.

Israeli authorities continue to hold dozens of Palestinian prisoners under Administrative Detention, that Israeli military courts extend from time to time.

Israel holds 400 Administrative Detainees in its prisons, many are minors, under the age of 18.

    Administrative detention (AD) is a procedure that allows Israeli occupation forces to hold prisoners indefinitely on secret information without charging them or allowing them to stand trial. The secret information or evidence cannot be accessed by the detainee nor his lawyer, and can according to Israeli military orders, an administrative detention order can be renewed for an unlimited time. The court issues an administrative detention order for a maximum period of six months, subject to renewal.

    Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

Image: Alray