Israeli navy ships attacked, Thursday, a Palestinians fishing boat in Gaza territorial waters, abducted three fishermen and confiscated their boat.

Zakariya Bakr, a Palestinian fisherman who witnessed the attack, said the Israeli navy boats chased a small boat with three fishermen on board, near the shore of Gaza Sea, and fired many live rounds at them.

He added that the navy abducted the three fishermen, identified as the boat owner, Mohammad Abdul-Razeq Bakr, in addition Omran Mohammad Bakr, and Mohammad Mohammad Bakr.

The three fishermen, and their boat, were taken to an unknown destination.

The attack is part of ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinians in the besieged and improvised Gaza Strip.

Also on Thursday, Israeli soldiers abducted at least twelve Palestinians from several parts of the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported.