Palestinian fishing boats and Israeli navy (archive image)

Israeli navy ships attacked, on Wednesday morning, several Palestinian fishing boats with live fire and water cannons, in the al-Waha area, in the northern part of the besieged Gaza Strip, wounding one fisherman, before abducting two others.

Zakariya Bakr, the coordinator of the Palestinian Fishermen’s Syndicate, said the Israeli navy boats fired many live rounds at the fishing boats, wounding one fisherman.

Bakr added that the navy also abducted two other fishermen and took them along with their boat to an unknown destination.

The attack came just a day after Israel drastically reduced the fishing zone in Gaza from fifteen nautical miles to only six.

In related news, at least eight Israeli military vehicles, including bulldozers, invaded Palestinian lands near the perimeter fence, east of Gaza city, and bulldozed them, while army drones flew overhead.