Dozens of Israeli police officers, accompanied by bulldozers, invaded at dawn, Thursday, the village of al-Liqya, in the Negev, and demolished a Palestinian home, reportedly for being built without a permit.

The soldiers surrounded the entire village, and declared it a closed military zone, before invading it and demolishing the property.

The destruction is part of Israel’s illegal policies against the indigenous Palestinians in the Negev, in order to replace them with settlements and shopping centers.

There are around 240.000 Palestinians living in the Negev, at least half of them reside in villages and dwellings that have been inhabited for hundreds of years.

Although these communities predate Israel, consecutive Israeli governments refuse to recognize them, and continue to consider them ‘illegal.”

The communities are thus subject to constant demolitions, uproot of lands and trees, and remain without any infrastructure, including running water, electricity and even health services.

Many of these villages, especially al-Arakib (Al-Araqeeb), Az-Zaqzouq (Abu Qweider) and Umm al-Hiran, have been demolished hundreds of times.