Illegal Israeli settlers, on Monday, punctured the tires of Palestinian-owned vehicles, in the occupied West Bank town of As-Sawiya, south of Nablus Alray reported.

Palestinian official, Ghassan Daghlas, monitors illegal settlement activities said that Israeli colonists stormed the town of As-Sawiya and cut the tires of more than eight vehicles.

Daghlas added that racist graffiti was spray-painted on the walls of many Palestinian homes.

According to Israel’s Haaretz, twelve vehicles were vandalized by settlers, near the illegal colony of Ariel.

The Israeli Police reportedly launched an investigation into the matter.

    Sami Halil, a resident of the village was quoted by Haaretz; “We got up this morning to discover that car tires in the neighborhood were damaged and that there was graffiti on the houses,” he said, “I checked my security camera and saw that whoever did this had come close to the window where my children were sleeping.”

The Fourth Geneva Convention clearly and unequivocally states that all settlements on occupied territory are illegal. International Law states that the occupier [Israel] is forbidden from transferring parts of its population onto the land it occupies [Palestine].

~ Alray, WAFA, Haaretz, ICRC
Image: Alray