Israeli soldiers abducted, Sunday, twenty Palestinians, including children, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, during extensive and violent military invasions and searches of homes.

On Sunday evening, the soldiers invaded ‘Azzoun town, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, and abducted Yousef Zahran Sweidan, 23, while walking in the downtown area.

The soldiers also were heavily deployed near the main entrance of the town, in addition to Kafr Laqif nearby village, east of Qalqilia, and installed a military roadblock on the main road between ‘Azzoun town and Ezbet at-Tabeeb village, east of Qalqilia.

Furthermore, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society said the soldiers abducted a child, identified as Ezz Mohammad Shamasna, 14, from Jayyous town, northeast of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, only four days after abducting his father, who was taken prisoner after shielding his son with his body to prevent the soldiers from beating him up, when the military broke into the family home.

The child managed to escape from the soldiers, who abducted his father.

The soldiers also abducted nineteen other Palestinians in several parts of the occupied West Bank.

The army claims that many of the abducted Palestinians are “affiliated with Hamas”, and added that the soldiers confiscated a car that was “carrying a large sum of cash,” in addition to “closing a print-shop, in Ramallah, for printing incitement materials.”

Sixteen of the abducted Palestinians have been identified as:

  1.  Majid Ahmad Masalma, 40, Sinjil – Ramallah.
  2.  Hussein Mohammad ‘Asfour, 30, Sinjil – Ramallah.
  3.  Ahmad Abdul-Karim Hamed, 32, Sinjil – Ramallah.
  4.  Hamed Riyad Hamed, 22, Silwad – Ramallah.
  5.  Mohammad Yahia Abu Salim, 25, Rantis – Ramallah.
  6.  Amin Mahmoud Dar Darraj, 20, Kharbatha al-Misbah – Ramallah.
  7. Eyad Abdul-Ra’ouf ‘Atiya, Kharbatha al-Misbah – Ramallah.
  8.  Ala’ Thabet B’eirat, 19, Kafr Malek – Ramallah.
  9.  Mo’tasem Mohammad Tamimi, 23, Nabi Saleh – Ramallah.
  10. Tha’er ‘Amira, 42, Ni’lin – Ramallah.
  11. Salim Idrees Hamdan, Doura al-Qare’ – Ramallah.
  12. Khaled al-‘Abed, Kobar – Ramallah.
  13. Abdul-Hamid Mowaffaq Rimawi, Beit Rima – Ramallah.
  14. Ezzeddin Mohammad Shamasna, 14, Jayyous – Qalqilia.
  15. Mohammad Ra’ed ‘Amarna, Thaher al-’Abed village – Jenin.
  16. Nassim Taiseer Teety, 16, al-‘Arroub refugee camp, Hebron.