On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers used excessive force against Palestinian journalists, marching in solidarity with the hunger striking detainees, and imprisoned journalists, near the Ofer Israeli prison, in Ramallah governorate of the occupied West Bank.

The journalists were expressing their support to the striking detainees, demanding basic rights, and also demanding the release of 28 journalists, who are still held captive by Israel.

The nonviolent procession was organized marking the World Press Freedom Day. The protesters launched balloons carrying the colors of the Palestinian flag.

The soldiers fired many gas bombs and rubber-coated steel bullets at the journalist, causing no injuries, and threatened to use live fire should they continue their protest.

The soldiers also briefly detained two cameramen, identified as Rami Allariyya and Ashraf Nibali.

Journalists’ Syndicate head, Nasser Abu Bakr, said the protest was peaceful, sending a message of support to the detainees, including all imprisoned journalists, especially while the world celebrates the Freedom of the Press on this day.

He added that the journalists in occupied Palestine are frequently attacked by Israel, and are repeatedly abducted and imprisoned, due to Israel’s illegal policies of attempting to silence the press.

“Israel is the only country that imprisons journalists under Administrative Detention orders, holding them captive without charges or trial,” he said, “Our duty is to expose the ongoing crimes and escalating violations.”