On Saturday, Israeli soldiers bulldozed large areas of Palestinian lands in Sinjil village, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

Local activist Ayed Ghafri said the soldiers bulldozed eight Dunams of Palestinian lands after surrounding and isolating them.

Ghafri added that the lands are in an area of 5200 Dunams of Palestinian-owned lands, and the Israeli occupation army is trying to annex them from their owners illegally.

He also said that the area is surrounded by three illegal Israeli colonies, Shilo from the east, Givat Hariel from the north, and Givat Haroeh from the west, in addition to a military base in the south.

Annexing the Palestinians lands aims to link the three colonies by paving segregated roads.

The Palestinians are not allowed to enter their lands in that area and have been repeatedly attacked by the soldiers and colonizers.