On Monday, Israeli soldiers chased Palestinian municipal workers while cleaning the archeological site in Sebastia Palestinian town, northwest of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Mohammad Azem, the Mayor of Sebastia, said dozens of soldiers invaded the archeological area and chased the Palestinian workers, forcing them to leave.

Azem added that the soldiers also used drones to survey the entire area after closing it.

Last Thursday, the soldiers invaded the area and handed the municipal workers an order preventing them from maintaining or cleaning the archeological site because it is in Area C of the West Bank, under the full control of the illegal Israeli occupation.

It is worth mentioning that the soldiers frequently invade Sebastia to accompany groups of colonialist settlers into the archaeological area.

During these invasions, the soldiers block all Palestinian traffic, frequently storm homes, abduct Palestiniansattack protesters, and remove the Palestinian flag from the archeological area.