The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has reported that many Palestinians were injured, Saturday dawn, after Israeli soldiers and colonizers invaded Burin town, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Emergency Department at the PRCS in Nablus, said two Palestinians suffered burns due to Israeli concussion grenades, seven suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation, and a few others suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

He added that the Palestinians were injured during protests that took place after dozens of soldiers and colonizers invaded the town.

The colonizers, who came from the illegal Givat Ronen illegal colony, attacked many homes, and burnt lands before the Palestinians intercepted them.

Israeli soldiers then invaded the town and started attacking the Palestinians with live rounds, concussion grenades, gas bombs, and rubber-coated steel bullets.