On Monday, Israeli soldiers invaded Jaba’ town, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and demolished a Palestinian home.

Local sources said the soldiers demolished a home, owned by Hanai Arar’a, after forcing him and his family out of the property.

They added that the army claims the home, built several years ago on a land Hani owned, was constructed “without a permit” from the Israeli occupation authorities.

The Palestinian lived in the home with his wife and their seven children, who were all rendered houseless.

In related news, the soldiers invaded Sebastia town, northwest of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, demolished a telecommunications network and a small shop, in addition to closing an agricultural street.

Also Monday, Israeli soldiers killed four Palestinians and injured eight near Ramallah, in the central West Bank, one near Tulkarem, in the northwestern West Bank, and a child near Tubas, in the northeastern West Bank.