Late on Friday night, Israeli soldiers invaded Jericho city, Aqabat Jaber, and Ein Al-Sultan refugee camps in Jericho, in the occupied West Bank’s northeastern part, demolished a Palestinian home, shot two young men, one seriously, and abducted two.

Several army vehicles invaded the refugee camps, leading to protests before the soldiers fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

Medical sources said the soldiers shot and seriously injured a young man in the abdomen and moderately injured another after shooting him in the arm. |The seriously injured Palestinian, 17, has died from his wounds|

The soldiers also stormed and ransacked several homes before abducting Khamis Sarafandi from his home in Aqabat Jaber and Suleiman Abu Roumi from his home in Jericho city.

Furthermore, the soldiers stormed and ransacked the home of a political prisoner, Maher Shalloon, 44, in Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, forced the family out and detonated the property.

Maher was abducted on March 1st, and five days later, the army stormed his home again to take measurements of the property to prepare for detonating it.