Israeli soldiers shot and injured, Wednesday, a young Palestinian man while driving his car near Um Salmouna village, south of the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers fired live rounds at a car, moderately wounding Ahmad Nasser Thawabta, 27, from Beit Fajjar town, south of Bethlehem.

Palestinian medics rushed to the scene and moved the wounded young man, who was shot with a live round in his back, to a hospital in Hebron city.

After shooting Thawabta, the soldiers closed the main Bethlehem-Hebron Road, and the entrance of Teqoua’ town, in addition to closing the iron gate installed at the entrance of Janata town.

In previous similar shootings, especially when the army alleged the Palestinians tried to ram the soldiers with their cars or carry out any other attack. Palestinian medics would be prevented from even approaching the wounded, or slain residents.

The Israeli army did not comment on the incident.