On Monday, Israeli soldiers invaded Palestinian orchards in Qarawat Bani Hassan town, west of the central West Bank city of Salfit, uprooted at least 2000 olive trees, and demolished retaining walls, in addition to spraying chemical toxins on hundreds of Dunams.

Ibrahim ‘Aasi, the Mayor of Qarawat Bani Hassan, said the soldiers invaded the Al-Awareed area northwest of Qarawat Bani Hassan after declaring it a closed military zone.

He added that the soldiers uprooted at least 2000 olive trees, sprayed chemical toxins on hundreds of Dunams of Palestinian farmlands, and demolished retaining walls.

The attack targeted 300 Dunams of land and lasted for about five hours before the soldiers took the uprooted trees and sprayed olive and almond saplings and grapevines with toxins.

The attack has been the second of its type since January of 2021 when the soldiers uprooted over 3000 olive trees in Deir Ballout town, west of Salfit.