Israeli troops abducted, late Sunday night, four Palestinians from different occupied West Bank areas.

Palestinian media sources reported that Israeli soldiers invaded Biet Rima village, west of Ramallah city, in the central West Bank, and stormed the home of Saher Al-Barghouthi, 50, before abducting Saher and his son, Saddam, 29.

The sources added that Saddam Al-Barghouthi, is a former Palestinian prisoner that has spent time in Israeli prison.

In the meantime, local residents of the Deir Ghassana village, north of Ramallah, took to the streets in protest of an Israeli army invasion, in which Israeli soldiers stormed the home of Mu’tasim Nasr Mishal, 25, abducting him, and taking him to an unknown location.

During the invasion, the Israeli army fired a volley of tear-gas canisters at protesters, while other soldiers vandalized the home of Mishal.

Israeli troops withdrew from the village after the abduction. No casualties were reported.

Meanwhile, local sources and witnesses in the northern West Bank city of Jenin, confirmed that Israeli troops abducted, Sunday night, another former Palestinian prisoner of the Jaba’ village, south of Jenin, while the latter was passing by a military Israeli roadblock, near the West Bank city of Nablus.

The sources identified the prisoner as Bilal Najawat Fashshafeh, 25-years-old, WAFA News Agency reported.

In the northern West Bank, Israeli troops invaded Jiftlik village, north of Jericho.

Local sources and witnesses said that the invading army force broke into the home of Mousa Jahaleen and seized his farming tractor, under the pretext of farming in an area that is under Israeli security control.

Jiftlik village is located in the northern West Bank of Al-Aghwar area of the Jordan Valley, which Israel had previously announced plans to annex.

Last month, both locals and internationals protested in large numbers in Jericho city, against those plans, which Israel did not follow through with its threat of annexation by July 1.

The annexation was apparently postponed, yet Israeli officials signalled intention to ago ahead with the move, sparking widespread criticism.