Israeli army troops reportedly detained earlier on Tuesday, seven Palestinian residents from different areas in the West Bank.

According to the Palestinian Detainees Club Forum in Ramallah city, Israeli occupation troops stormed both Awarta and Beita villages of Nablus city, arresting two Palestinian young men, Mojahed Awwad and Sameh Barakat.

In a statement, the club also noted that the same troops broke into the Dura town, south of Hebron city and detained Ayoub Khadra.

In the Beit Rema village, north of Ramallah, the troops arrested Naser Qous, a representative of the club forum itself in the area, the Detainees Club Forum’s statement further noted.

Earlier on Monday, Israeli occupation police forces detained eight Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem, while the latter were carrying out some voluntary works, mainly sterilizing some public facilities, within local Palestinian efforts to ward off the potential spread of Corona Virus.

Later on Monday, the eight youth were released, after they had signed commitments that they would place themselves under home arrest for a period of 15 days.

Israeli arrest campaigns of Palestinian residents are carried out almost on daily basis and are considered an Israeli policy against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Currently, Israel holds around 5,000 Palestinian detainees including men, women and some children, in various detention centers in both Israel and in the outskirts of Palestinian cities, towns and villages.

Image: Alray