Israeli Troops shot and wounded on Friday a Palestinian young man during protests in the Kufur Qaddoum village in the northern occupied West Bank.

Organizers of the protest, which is staged on weekly basis, said that the Israeli troops attacked tens of Palestinian protesters near the Apartheid Wall in the Kufur Qaddoum village.

The sources included Mr. Murad Eshteiwi, coordinator for the Popular Resistance Committee in Kufur Qaddoum, said that Israeli soldiers invaded the village and opened fire at the protesters with live rounds, rubber-coated steel rounds and tear-gas canisters.

The shooting led to the injury of 21-year-old young man, with a rubber-coated steel bullet, while dozens of other demonstrators were suffocated after they inhaled toxic tear-gas, fired by the Israeli soldiers, the identity or condition of the injured was not available at the time of reporting.

Sources added that this Friday’s protest came in response to an Israeli government announcement that Israel would annex more Palestinian-owned lands. The protesters have staged weekly demonstrations demanding the re-opening of a main road in Kufur Qaddoum that Israel closed 16 years ago.