“Miles Of Smiles 35” humanitarian solidarity convoy is scheduled to arrive in the besieged and improvised Gaza Strip this Sunday through Egypt to provide some of the urgently aid, especially medicine and fuel.

Dr. Issam Yousef, the coordinator of Miles of Smiles and the head of the Popular International Committee to Support Gaza, in addition to Khaled al-Yousef, the coordinator of aid convoys and the head of the Swedish humanitarian convoy are among the participants.

Yousef said convoy members also intend to observe and examine the dire needs of the health sector in the Gaza Strip, and the required means to provide the hospitals with the needed fuel for their power generators.

He added that the convoy intends to examine new methods to support Gaza in coordination with Egypt, and will also inform all partners and supporters of Miles of Smiles about the needs and the humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip.

“It is very important to provide this urgently needed support to the hospitals and medical centers in the Gaza Strip,” Yousef stated, “We are talking about the lives of thousands of patients who need this aid, and the least anyone can do is to provide the essential fuel and medicine.”