Photo: Israel prepared mobile homes in Abu Dis town, for relocation of Khan Al-Ahmar Bedouins after the decided demolition of their village.

“The American-Israeli conspiracy to perpetuate the separation between the two parts of the homeland with economic “relief” projects is doomed to fail,” says the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

The Israeli escalation in the theft and appropriation of Palestinian land for colonization purposes, home demolitions and the forced displacement of Palestinian citizens from their places of residence, to let settlers live in them; which is contrary to what the US administration has been trying to hide of its blind bias towards the occupation and its policies, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement, Tuesday.

The statement said, according to the PNN, that the promotion of the so-called “Deal of the Century” or “humanitarian projects and packages” for the Gaza Strip is aimed at diverting international attention from the main cause of the Palestinian people’s plight and suffering, which is the Israeli occupation, and aims to erase the Palestinian cause from the international agenda.

“The suffering of our people in Khan al-Ahmar, of forced displacement, and the establishment of a cemetery for settlers on 140 dunams near Qalqilia, in addition to the confiscation of the lands of Silwan south of Al-Aqsa Mosque for the settlement of ‘Elad’, and the extensive demolition of homes and the removal of many Palestinian economic establishments, as what’s currently happening in Yatta and East Barta’a currently, and the decision of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to close the Karam Abu Salem crossing border and reduce fishing areas in Gaza and Lieberman’s threats of imposing additional punitive measures on our people in the Gaza Strip,” MOFA said. “This is done in the absence of any American condemnation or criticism; on the contrary, it is done with the blessing of Trump’s team and its representative at the United Nations, which also reflects the magnitude of the blind American bias of the occupation and its policies to resolve final status issues unilaterally,” it added.

The Ministry condemned the Israeli aggression against Palestinian people, land, property and holy sites. It affirmed that this escalation is accompanied by aggressive Israeli-American attempts to dissolve the political and national dimension of the Palestinian issue, and to impose it as a “population issue” that are seeking “Economic projects” to improve their lives in complete disregard for the existence of occupation and colonization, therefore, Trump’s team is seeking to replace rational political solutions to the conflict, which is unanimously supported with international economic projects and relief programs.

“Our people pay an expensive price, on a daily basis, for the blind American bias of the occupation, its crimes and its settlement. The truth is that we understand, from the US moves, is Washington’s attempt to resolve Israel’s deep crises resulting from its occupation of the Palestinian people and the land by its media leaks about the imminent birth of a ‘Deal of the Century’ as a cover to provide the necessary time to complete the occupation of its colonial expansionist projects in the land of the State of Palestine. Which might last throughout Trump’s presidency, leading to the diminishing of the Palestinian cause and ending its national political dimension as a cause of a people with just and legitimate national rights, recognized by international legitimacy and its decisions to a cause, placed in ‘Relief aid’ as a matter of people who  need to be resuscitated.”

The Ministry said it considers that this approach is another translation of the Zionist colonial expansionist project, which for years has been looking at Israeli methods and options to solve the problem of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. To achieve the separation between the two parts of the homeland.

The Ministry reaffirmed that the American administration has ruled out its role, by itself, when it chose to take the side of the right wing in Israel. Adopting the positions of the occupation and its policies, and thus will certainly reap the terrible failure of its project as the projects that the occupation tried to impose on Palestinian people and its leadership from the beginning of the occupation until this day.