Hebrew daily Haaretz, on Thursday, unveiled a new Israeli plan to build a park on the Mount of Olives overlooking Old Jerusalem, which will link two settlement outposts to the Jewish side of  Jerusalem.

PNN reports that the park will be located on the western slopes of the Mount of Olives, and will link the settlement neighborhoods of “Beit Orot” and “Beit Hohchen.”

The report added that the establishment of this park requires taking private Palestinian land, where the municipality of the occupation in Jerusalem and the so-called “Authority for the development of Jerusalem,” are working on a plan for its establishment  in order to present the plan to the District Planning Committee.

In the same context, the committee approved another plan for the west Jerusalem Israeli municipality and the Authority for the development of Jerusalem, to establish a visitor center in the Jewish cemetery in the Mount of Olives.The planned center  is located near the settlement of Ma’ale Zitim,

The newspaper pointed out that development work has started on a site which is proclaimed by “Elad” organization. On the other side of the old town, Jabal Mukaber, the Jerusalem Development Authority is planning a restaurant and is building a bridge.