Before meeting with US President Donald Trump’s envoy, Netanyahu has told the Amona settlers that Israel and the US are working on a “mutually agreed settlement policy”, saying that he will keep his word on the illegal settlement outpost, which was demolished by Israel upon court order.

Netanyahu’s statements, as reported by Haaretz, came on Thursday afternoon, ahead of his second meeting with Trump’s special envoy Jason Greenblatt, for talks on Israel’s settlement construction.

“We are in the midst of a dialogue with the White House and our intent is to reach an agreed-upon policy regarding settlement construction. Policy that is acceptable to us, and not just to the Americans,” Netanyahu said, according to the PNN.

Netanyahu met on Monday evening, for more than five hours, with American envoy Jason Greenblatt. Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, was present for most of the meeting, and the most significant part of the conversation dealt with the attempt to formulate understandings on construction in the settlements.

“There’s no blank check from Trump for construction in the settlements and that was known from the first minute he entered the White House,

“We are looking for the common denominator with the Americans that will allow construction on the one hand, and on the other promote with the Trump administration diplomatic moves in many areas.” an official who is involved in contacts between Israel and the United States on the subject told Haaretz.

Speaking at a Tuesday press conference at his office, Netanyahu described his conversations with Greenblatt as “good and thorough.” Netanyahu added: “I can’t say that we finished or summed things up; we are in a process, but a process of true and sincere dialogue in the positive meaning of the word. It is not yet open to the press.”

At the end of the Netanyahu-Greenblatt meeting, a joint statement was released that included one of the principles regarding settlement construction that had already been agreed on. According to the statement, the two sides discussed construction in the settlements “in the hope of working out an approach that is consistent with the goal of advancing peace and security.”

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