The Media Committee of the Freedom and Dignity Hunger Strike said Monday that the health conditions of the detainees that have been on hunger strike for 36 consecutive days has become quite serious, with a large number of the detainees reportedly being moved to civilian hospitals.

The committee said in a press release Sunday night that the administration is still isolating the detainees from the outside world, and obstructing even human rights groups from meeting or observing the prisoners’ conditions. The Israeli government has not even released the names of the prisoners that were transferred to the hospital -even to their families.

The prison authorities are trying to break the strike by putting leaders in prison, releasing false videos, and putting food in front of the striking detainees continuously to try to torment them.

Prior to the hunger strike, the Israeli prison administration had set up makeshift clinics inside the prisons. But these clinics lacked even basic supplies, and were used to blackmail prisoners with the threat that they would be sent to those clinics instead of actual hospitals if they were ill.

A number of the striking prisoners have also been transferred to prisons located near hospitals.

The Media Committee of the Freedom and Dignity Hunger Strike has called on the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and Physicians for Human Rights to pressure Israel into taking measures to prevent a real humanitarian disaster, and to demand that Israel reveal the conditions of the detainees and share information of their locations.

The transfer of the prisoners comes just after 220 additional prisoners joined the hunger strike Sunday, 35 days into the strike.
