In response to a decision by the American Department of State, in which it decided to replace the definition of the indigenous Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem from Palestinian citizens to “Arab residents,” Palestinian Presidency spokesperson, Nabil Abu Rodeina, said the United States is trying to falsify history and grant legitimacy to Israel’s illegal occupation.

Abu Rodeina said that “all attempts to falsify history, alter or twist the truth, cannot provide legitimacy to an illegal occupation, or anyone,” and added that “such policies cannot, and will not, change the history of the Palestinian people in Jerusalem.”

The spokesman said that the U.S. policy, “which is blindly biased in favor of the illegal Israeli occupation, is also challenging all related United Nations Security Council resolutions, particularly Resolution #2334, and the UN General Assembly resolution adopted on November 29, 2012, in which the State of Palestine received an overwhelming vote allowing it to become an observer member state of the United Nations.”

He added that the U.S. is blatantly attacking international legitimacy and world order.

Abu Rodeina also stated that the desperate and illegal decisions taken by the U.S. Administration will not bring peace and stability, and added that the Palestinian people will continue the struggle, and will foil all conspiracies targeting their legitimate goals of full liberation and independence.