In response to U.S. ambassador to Israel’s remarks that “Israel has the right to annex some of the occupied West Bank”,the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced that it is considering filing a complaint to the International Criminal Court.

U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman’s statement, the ministry claimed “is a reflection of the broad U.S. policy that is totally biased with the Israeli occupation and colonial policies.”

In a press release, the Palestinian ministry posed the question; “In what logic does Friedman think that Israel has the right to annex parts of the West Bank?, On what reality did he base his conviction? Or international law prohibiting the annexation of territory by force? Or the reality imposed by the occupation authorities?”

The ministry proclaimed that Friedman “is illiterate in politics, history and geography, and belongs to the state of the settlements… has nothing to do with logic, justice or law, unless they serve the occupation state, which he is eager to defend by all means.”

According to International Law, taking over or annexing land through military force is prohibited, Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, and has ruled militarily there, since that time.

“These statements prove that Friedman is the ambassador of colonization and hostility targeting the Palestinian rights, including the right to self-determination and independence.”
Palestinian Authority Spokesperson Ibrahim Milham

“U.S. has its foreign policy determined by people who are politically immature and extremist in their ideologies, such as Kushner, Greenblatt and Friedman. These men are playing politics as if they are in a circus.”
– Palestinian Authority Spokesperson Ibrahim Milham

“Friedman’s statements are direct incitement against the Palestinian people, and are filled with lies that aim at justifying the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.”
– Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization,
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi.

In response to Friedman’s statement that even if peace is achieved, the Israeli military would need to continue its military occupation of the West Bank, “this would constitute an annexation of occupied territory, which is a war crime according to international law.”
– Chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat.

More Palestinian officials have condemned the recent statement by US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman.
“the vision of the American side to annex occupied territories is a war crime according to the international law.”
– Secretary General of Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee, Saeb Erekat, (Twitter)

“President Trump’s ambassador provides enough background in order for everyone not to attend the Manama meeting: Their vision is about annexation of occupied territory, a war crime under international law.”
– Saeb Erekat, (Twitter)

Friedman told the New York Times that he blamed the Palestinian Authority for the current stalemate in the peace process with Israel.
All statements of the US ambassador “are totally rejected by all the Palestinians.”
– aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and veteran Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath, (Voice of Palestine Radio)

“We won’t accept any American or Israeli steps and measures, Palestinians are sticking to their territories and will carry on with their struggle until they topple all the plots that aim at eliminating the Palestinian cause.”
– Nabil Shaath, (Voice of Palestine Radio)

“Practically, Israel still occupies area C in the West Bank, and any Israeli measures will be a violation of international law.”
– Nabil Shaath, (Voice of Palestine Radio)

“US President Donald Trump protects and encourages the Israeli side to keep occupying other people’s territories and violate the international law, and “any peaceful solution must end the Israeli occupation.”
Nabil Shaath, (Voice of Palestine Radio)