A Palestinian family started on Friday night, to demolish its home after the Israeli occupation authorities have decided to demolish the property in the Jabal al-Mokabber neighborhood, southeast of the occupied Palestinian capital, Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

Media sources said the family has been trying to obtain a permit for its home, but the applications were constantly denied.

The family removed its furniture and belongings from the property and started the demolition to avoid more excessive fines and fees from the City Council.

Eyad Abu Sneina, the property owner, told Al-Qastal News that the family’s first home was demolished in Silwan town, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, in May of the year 2015.

Video B Al-Qastal

“Back then, we refused to self-demolish our home and had to pay dozens of thousands of shekels in fines and fees after the city demolished the property,” Eyad said, “We are now forced to self-demolish our home because we cannot afford more fines.”

“We can go… What can we do, they aren’t allowing us to live on our own land, they just want us out,” he said, “This is the second time were are subject to forcible exile and displacement in our Jerusalem”

“Israel continues to violate International Law, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and every related international resolution; they just do not want us to stay in our holy city, but we are here to stay, in our homeland, in our city, Eyad added, “Meanwhile, Israel to continues to violate International Law by the theft of Palestinian land to construct its illegal colonies… continued its illegal occupation and oppression, however, we will always remain steadfast.”