Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire, on Sunday at night, with Israeli soldiers who invaded Nablus city, in northern West Bank, to accompany dozens of colonizers into Joseph’s Tomb, in the city.

The exchange of fire took place in Amman Street in Nablus forcing the soldiers to evacuate the colonizers from the area of the tomb and to accompany them out of the city.

Israeli military medics were also seen evacuating one soldier apparently after he was shot by the Palestinian fighters.

The army completely withdrew from Nablus on Sunday night after midnight, after evacuating the colonizers, while Palestinian protesters hurled many Molotov cocktails at the military vehicles.

It is worth mentioning that the army frequently invades the eastern area of Nablus to accompany the colonists into the historic site, an issue that leads to protests, in addition to the ongoing invasions of homes and the abduction of many Palestinians.

Joseph the patriarch is revered by Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Samaritans alike, however, the Israeli military allows Jews to visit as part of organized pilgrimages, despite the site being in Area A where the PA has full control and prohibits Muslims from worshiping at the site.

Ultra-orthodox and nationalist Jews regularly try to visit the shrine without approval, as many Jews believe the tomb to be the final resting place of the biblical figure in the Old Testament.

Palestinians believe that Joseph’s Tomb is the funerary monument to Sheikh Yousif Dweikat, a local religious figure.

In related news, several army jeeps invaded Husan village, west of Bethlehem, and fired live rounds, gas bombs, and rubber-coated steel bullets and Palestinians who protested the invasion and hurled stones at them.