Fishing boat - File photo - Quds News

The Israeli navy opened fire  on Thursday, towards Palestinian fishermen’s boats off Beit Lahia coast, in the northern Gaza Strip.

Local sources pointed out, according to Al Ray, that the Israeli navy targeted Palestinian fishing boats with heavy fire in order to prevent them from fishing, even within the allowed fishing distance of 6 nautical miles.

The navy regularly  attacks Gazan fishermen and their boats as part of Israel’s blockade  of the Gaza Strip, which imposes restrictions on the fishing zone that deprive the fishers of their right to work, and puts their lives and well-being at serious risk.

The attacks include violations of the right to livelihood, harassment and shooting, arbitrary arrest and detention involving abuse, and confiscation of property including fishing boats and nets.

Israeli forces use cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment during such confrontations. In 2013, the Israeli military carried out 147 attacks against fishermen, injuring 10, arresting 22, confiscating 9 boats, and destroying extensive amounts of fishing equipment.

Archive IMEMC post: 12/21/14 94 Israeli Ceasefire Violations Since August